BO -
estimation strategy:
- one-shot < sample-based: more reliable
⇒ BONAS: accelerate, keeps reliability
[overview of BONAS]
- searching for competitive architectures is difficult ⇒ BO handles this issue by explicitly considering exploitation and exploration
- In BO, a commonly used surrogate model is GP
- prob 1: cubically with the number of samples)
- prob 2: requires well-designed kernel (open issue)
- one-shot methods: weight-sharing is performed on the whole space of sub-networks. → not good idea
⇒ costly in NAS
- query phase: traditional approach of fully training neural architectures is costly
⇒ solution : BONAS - sample-based NAS algorithm combined with weight-sharing
- search phase: use GCN to produce embeddings for NA (avoid to define GP’s kernel function, replace GP → novel Bayesian sigmoid regressor)
- query phase: construct a super-network from candidate architectures → train by uniform sampling → candidates are queried simultaneously based on the learned weight of the super-network
⇒ BONAS outperforms SOTA methods
Q: three main points of BO in Algorithm 1
- represent architecture
- find good candidates with surrogate model (high acuisition score)
- query the selected candidates
⇒ rather full training in each query (cost), adopt weight-sharing paradigm to query a batch of promising architecture together (비슷한 것끼리 weight sharing?)
⇒ design a surrogate model combining GCN embedding extractor and Bayesian sigmoid regressor
[BO: surrogate model, acquisition function]
- surrogate model: GCN embedding extractor + BSR → get mean and variance
- acquisition function: UCB
- GCN embedding extractor
- NAS-Bench-101: stacking multiple repeated cells
- MLP or LSTM used to encode networks, but GCN is better
- global node: to get the embedding of the whole graph
In experiment,
- use single-hidden-layer network with sigmoid function, prediction: [0,1]
- regressor is trained by minimizing square loss
⇒ We get embedding of a graph(cell) by GCN!
- Bayesian Sigmoid Regression(BSR)
- We’re interested in UCB (Upper Confidence Bound) of BO.
- compute the mean and variance of architecure’s performance
Since final layer of GCN predictor contains a sigmoid, instead of fitting true performance t, estimate the value before sigmoid. y=logit(t) ⇒ nonlinear regression → linear regression
GCN: squared loss → BSR: exponentially weighted loss (emphasis on model with higher accuracies)
For candidate network (A, X), BO has to evaluate its acquisition score. For UCB, the mean of logit(t) and variance of logit(t) are:
- Then, we can convert those to predict mean and variace of “t” by
- Then, we can approximate E[t] and Var[t] by using $\Phi(\lambda x)$ for some $\lambda$ and $\Phi$.
- Then we can put E[t] and Var[t] into UCB score and use this to select the next architecture sample from the pool.
[Efficient Estimation]
- NAS: select architecture in each iteration for full training ⇒ expensive
- BONAS: select in each BO iteration a batch of k architectures $\set{(A_i, X_i)}_{i=1}^k$ with the top-k UCB scores → train them together as a super-network by weight sharing
{advantage of weight sharing of super-network}
- feasible to train each architecture fairly
- super-network is promising candidate because of their high UCB scores
construct the super-network using logical OR operation
super-network is then trained by uniformly sampling from the architectures
- one sub-network is randomly sampled from the super-network
- only the corresponding (forward, backward propagtion) paths are activited)
- evaluate each sub-network by only forwarding data along the corresponding paths in the super-network
[Summary of Algorithm]
- Get embedding of each graph by GCN embedding extractor
- For each search iteration, a pool C of candidates are sampled from A by EA (each candidate’s embeding is obtained in 1.). For each candidate, compute UCB by BSR
- Candidates with the top-k UCB scores are selected(super-network) and queried using weight sharing
- evaluteed model and their performance values are added to D
- GCN predictor and BSR are updated using the enlarged D
[convlutional achitectures]
- NAS-Bench-101: 423K
- NAS-Bench-201: 15K architectures, using different search space
- LSTM-12K (containing 12K LSTM models trained on the Penn TreeBank dataset)
comparison: compare with existing MLP and LSTM preditors, and the meta NN - our GCN has four hidden layers with 64 units each
- square loss
- Adam optimizer
- 0.001 learning rate
- mini-batch of size 128
- 8.5:1.5:0.5
[closed domain search]
- compare with SOTA sample-based NAS baselines
- random search, regularized evolution, NASBOT, NAO, LaNAS, BANANAS
[open domain search]
- perforam NAS on NASNet search space using CIFAR-10 data set
- allow 4 blocks inside a cell
- k=100 models are merged to a super-networ, and trained for 100 epochs
- compare with SOTA
- sample-based NAS algorithms: NASNet, AmoebaNet, PNASNet, NAO, LaNet, BANANAS
- one-shot: ENAS, DARTS, BayesNAS, ASNG-NAS
- A, B, C, D: different numbers of evaluated samples
[transfer learning]
- transfer the architectures learned from CIFAR-10 to ImageNet.
[Ablation Study]
- study BONSA variants (5-a)
- BONAS_random: EA sampling → random sapling
- BO_LSTM_EA: GCN predictor → LSTM
- BO_MLP_EA: GCN predictor → MLP
- GCN_EA: removes Bayesian sigmoid regression and uses GCN output directly
⇒ BONAS outperforms others
- proposed weight loss vs traditional square loss (5-b)
- verify the robustness of BONAS model (5-c)
[closed domain search]
- compare with SOTA sample-based NAS baselines
- random search, regularized evolution, NASBOT, NAO, LaNAS, BANANAS
[open domain search]
- perforam NAS on NASNet search space using CIFAR-10 data set
- allow 4 blocks inside a cell
- k=100 models are merged to a super-networ, and trained for 100 epochs
- compare with SOTA
- sample-based NAS algorithms: NASNet, AmoebaNet, PNASNet, NAO, LaNet, BANANAS
- one-shot: ENAS, DARTS, BayesNAS, ASNG-NAS
- A, B, C, D: different numbers of evaluated samples
[transfer learning]
- transfer the architectures learned from CIFAR-10 to ImageNet.
[Ablation Study]
- study BONSA variants (5-a)
- BONAS_random: EA sampling → random sapling
- BO_LSTM_EA: GCN predictor → LSTM
- BO_MLP_EA: GCN predictor → MLP
- GCN_EA: removes Bayesian sigmoid regression and uses GCN output directly
⇒ BONAS outperforms others
- proposed weight loss vs traditional square loss (5-b)
- verify the robustness of BONAS model (5-c)