BO -


estimation strategy:

  • one-shot < sample-based: more reliable

⇒ BONAS: accelerate, keeps reliability

[overview of BONAS]


  • searching for competitive architectures is difficult ⇒ BO handles this issue by explicitly considering exploitation and exploration
  • In BO, a commonly used surrogate model is GP
    • prob 1: cubically with the number of samples)
    • prob 2: requires well-designed kernel (open issue)
    • one-shot methods: weight-sharing is performed on the whole space of sub-networks. → not good idea

    ⇒ costly in NAS

  • query phase: traditional approach of fully training neural architectures is costly

⇒ solution : BONAS - sample-based NAS algorithm combined with weight-sharing

  • search phase: use GCN to produce embeddings for NA (avoid to define GP’s kernel function, replace GP → novel Bayesian sigmoid regressor)
  • query phase: construct a super-network from candidate architectures → train by uniform sampling → candidates are queried simultaneously based on the learned weight of the super-network

⇒ BONAS outperforms SOTA methods



Q: three main points of BO in Algorithm 1

  1. represent architecture
  2. find good candidates with surrogate model (high acuisition score)
  3. query the selected candidates

⇒ rather full training in each query (cost), adopt weight-sharing paradigm to query a batch of promising architecture together (비슷한 것끼리 weight sharing?)

⇒ design a surrogate model combining GCN embedding extractor and Bayesian sigmoid regressor

[BO: surrogate model, acquisition function]

  • surrogate model: GCN embedding extractor + BSR → get mean and variance
  • acquisition function: UCB
  1. GCN embedding extractor
    • NAS-Bench-101: stacking multiple repeated cells


    • MLP or LSTM used to encode networks, but GCN is better
    • global node: to get the embedding of the whole graph

    In experiment,

    • use single-hidden-layer network with sigmoid function, prediction: [0,1]
    • regressor is trained by minimizing square loss

    ⇒ We get embedding of a graph(cell) by GCN!

  2. Bayesian Sigmoid Regression(BSR)
    • We’re interested in UCB (Upper Confidence Bound) of BO.
    • compute the mean and variance of architecure’s performance
    • Since final layer of GCN predictor contains a sigmoid, instead of fitting true performance t, estimate the value before sigmoid. y=logit(t) ⇒ nonlinear regression → linear regression


    • GCN: squared loss → BSR: exponentially weighted loss (emphasis on model with higher accuracies)


    • For candidate network (A, X), BO has to evaluate its acquisition score. For UCB, the mean of logit(t) and variance of logit(t) are:



      • Then, we can convert those to predict mean and variace of “t” by


      • Then, we can approximate E[t] and Var[t] by using $\Phi(\lambda x)$ for some $\lambda$ and $\Phi$.


      • Then we can put E[t] and Var[t] into UCB score and use this to select the next architecture sample from the pool.

[Efficient Estimation]

  • NAS: select architecture in each iteration for full training ⇒ expensive
  • BONAS: select in each BO iteration a batch of k architectures $\set{(A_i, X_i)}_{i=1}^k$ with the top-k UCB scores → train them together as a super-network by weight sharing

{advantage of weight sharing of super-network}

  1. feasible to train each architecture fairly
  2. super-network is promising candidate because of their high UCB scores


  1. construct the super-network using logical OR operation


  2. super-network is then trained by uniformly sampling from the architectures

    1. one sub-network is randomly sampled from the super-network
    2. only the corresponding (forward, backward propagtion) paths are activited)
    3. evaluate each sub-network by only forwarding data along the corresponding paths in the super-network

[Summary of Algorithm]

  1. Get embedding of each graph by GCN embedding extractor
  2. For each search iteration, a pool C of candidates are sampled from A by EA (each candidate’s embeding is obtained in 1.). For each candidate, compute UCB by BSR
  3. Candidates with the top-k UCB scores are selected(super-network) and queried using weight sharing
  4. evaluteed model and their performance values are added to D
  5. GCN predictor and BSR are updated using the enlarged D


  • dateset

    [convlutional achitectures]

    • NAS-Bench-101: 423K
    • NAS-Bench-201: 15K architectures, using different search space


    • LSTM-12K (containing 12K LSTM models trained on the Penn TreeBank dataset)
  • comparison: compare with existing MLP and LSTM preditors, and the meta NN - our GCN has four hidden layers with 64 units each

    • square loss
    • Adam optimizer
    • 0.001 learning rate
    • mini-batch of size 128
    • 8.5:1.5:0.5

[closed domain search]

  • compare with SOTA sample-based NAS baselines
    • random search, regularized evolution, NASBOT, NAO, LaNAS, BANANAS


[open domain search]

  • perforam NAS on NASNet search space using CIFAR-10 data set
  • allow 4 blocks inside a cell
  • k=100 models are merged to a super-networ, and trained for 100 epochs
  • compare with SOTA
    • sample-based NAS algorithms: NASNet, AmoebaNet, PNASNet, NAO, LaNet, BANANAS
    • one-shot: ENAS, DARTS, BayesNAS, ASNG-NAS
    • A, B, C, D: different numbers of evaluated samples


[transfer learning]

  • transfer the architectures learned from CIFAR-10 to ImageNet.
  • Use BONAS-B/C/D


[Ablation Study]

  • study BONSA variants (5-a)
    • BONAS_random: EA sampling → random sapling
    • BO_LSTM_EA: GCN predictor → LSTM
    • BO_MLP_EA: GCN predictor → MLP
    • GCN_EA: removes Bayesian sigmoid regression and uses GCN output directly

    ⇒ BONAS outperforms others

  • proposed weight loss vs traditional square loss (5-b)
  • verify the robustness of BONAS model (5-c)


[closed domain search]

  • compare with SOTA sample-based NAS baselines
    • random search, regularized evolution, NASBOT, NAO, LaNAS, BANANAS


[open domain search]

  • perforam NAS on NASNet search space using CIFAR-10 data set
  • allow 4 blocks inside a cell
  • k=100 models are merged to a super-networ, and trained for 100 epochs
  • compare with SOTA
    • sample-based NAS algorithms: NASNet, AmoebaNet, PNASNet, NAO, LaNet, BANANAS
    • one-shot: ENAS, DARTS, BayesNAS, ASNG-NAS
    • A, B, C, D: different numbers of evaluated samples


[transfer learning]

  • transfer the architectures learned from CIFAR-10 to ImageNet.
  • Use BONAS-B/C/D


[Ablation Study]

  • study BONSA variants (5-a)
    • BONAS_random: EA sampling → random sapling
    • BO_LSTM_EA: GCN predictor → LSTM
    • BO_MLP_EA: GCN predictor → MLP
    • GCN_EA: removes Bayesian sigmoid regression and uses GCN output directly

    ⇒ BONAS outperforms others

  • proposed weight loss vs traditional square loss (5-b)
  • verify the robustness of BONAS model (5-c)
