
  • propose Search to Aggregate NEighborhood (SANE)
    • automatically design data-specific GNN structures
  • propose differentiable search algorithms

[1. Introduction]

  • problem of GNN
    • 모든 task에서 best performance를 내는 single model 없음
    • 같은 task, 다른 dataset에서의 optimal model이 없음
  • 현재: neighbors의 hiden feature를 aggregate하기 위해 같은 aggregation function으로 multiple layer을 stack한 모델

    ⇒ different combinations of aggregation functions 이 성능을 향상시킬 수 있음 (dubbed architecture challenge)

  • NAS approcah for GNN
    • example: GraphNAS, Auto-GNN: tackle the architeucture challenge
    • approach: design the search space
      • contains all hyperparameters related to GNN models (GraphNAS와 Auto-GNN)
        • 문제1: GeniePath나JK-Network 포함하고 있지 않음 → best performance 보장 x
        • 문제2: architecture search process가 too expensive
    • 본질적인 문제: extremely expensive due to the trial-and-error nature (dubbed computational challenge)
  • propose novel NAS framework, which tries to search to aggregate Neighborhood(SANE) for automatic architecture search in GNN
  • contribution
    • propose SANE framework based on NAS (emulate more human-designed GNN architectures)
    • for computational challenge, propse differentiable architecture search algorithm
      • trial-and-error based NAS approcah에 비교하여 효율적임
      • first differentitable NAS approach for GNN
      • applicable


[3. The proposed framework]

[A. The search space design]

  • condition for search space
    • large and expressive enough (emulate various existing GNN models)
    • small and compact (compuational resources)
  • components
    • node aggregators: $\mathcal{O}_n$ below (11)


    • layer aggregators: $\mathcal{O}_l$ above (3) + $\mathcal{O}_s$ (skip-connection) above (2)


[B. Differentiable Architecture Search]

  • how to represent the search space of SANE as a supernet (DAG in Figure 1(c))

    1) continuous relaxation of the search space

    • Assume we use K-layer GNN with JK-Network as backbone
    • Supernet has K+3 nodes, where each node $x^l$ is a latent representation (ex. input features of node, embeddings in the intermediate layers)
    • each edge associated with an operation $o^{ij}$ (ex. GAT aggreagtor)
    • One input node, one output node, one node representing all skipped intermediate layers ⇒ K+3 node in total
    • task: find proper operation on each edge ⇒ discrete search space에서는 힘듦
    • softmax 를 사용하여 relax


    • $\bar{o}_n, \bar{o}_s, \bar{o}_l$: mixed operations from On, Ol, Os
    • neighborhood aggregation process by SANE


    • the mbedding of last layer


    • after obtain final representation of $z_v$, inject it to different types of loss epending on the given task. i.e. SANE-to solve a bi-level optimization problem:


    ⇒ the task of architecture search by SANE=learn three continuous variables $\alpha_n$, $\alpha_s$, $\alpha_l$.

    2) optimization by gradient descent


    • instead of obtaining the optimized $w^*(\alpha)$, need to approximate it by adapting w using only a single training step
    • retain top-k strongest operations
    • in the experient, k=1 for simplicity.



    3) Comparison with Existing NAS methods

    • SANE not include parameters like hidden embedding size, number of attention heads (hyperparameters of GNN models)
    • focus on”aggregation functions”


    [4. Experiment]




[5. Conclusion]

  • propose SANE for graph NAS