[1. Introduction]

  1. transductive learning: node & edge가 training~prediction phase에서 그대로 남아있음 (access 가능). unseen node와 edge 처리 못함
  2. inductive learning: 그래프 일부에서만 학습하고, 그 모델을 unseen node or deges를 예측하는 데 사용


  • Paradigm: spectral architecture on undirected graph in transductive settings → spatial ones that can apply inductively to arbitrary graphs


  1. discuss some theoretical tools to better visualize the operations performed by spatial GNNs
  2. analyze the inner workings of the SOTA spatial architecture,s specifically aggregation-based GNNs
  3. propose simple technique: Node masking

[2. A brief history of GNNs]


[2.1 Spectral GNNs] - message passing

  • learns spectral filters regard to Laplcian → lack of scalibility
  • ChebNet, GCN

[2.2 Spatial GNNs]

  • defines the convolution operation directly on the structure of the graph
  • sampling-based: GraphSAGE
  • aggregation-based(Generally SOTA): GAT, GIN(maximally powerful)

[4. Analysis of Aggreagation-based GNNs]


[5. Node masking]


  • node masking of GAT and GIN (respectively)


[5.2 Node masking vs Dropout techniques]

  • dropedge: randomly drops a subset of edges from the graph in every training epoch
  • in our experiment, node masking이 dropedge보다 효과 좋음

[6.3 Experimental setting]

  • pytorch, 2-layer GIN
  • simple GAT (SGAT)
  • if node mask active → in every training epoch, randomly sample a Bernolli select function over the nodes in the training set
  • transductive- make entire graph
  • inductive- make avalibale at training time the graph G formed by nodes in the train set + edges among them