
  • fundamental task for KGs = KGC

    ⇒ predict unseen edges

    • concern: degree bias
      • poor representations for lower-degree nodes
        1. validate the existence of degree bias
        2. identify the key factor to degree bias
        3. novel data augmentation model, KG-Mixup to generate synthetic triples to mitigate such bias


[1. Introduction]

  • KG: each edge represents a single fact (h, r, t)
    • h, t, r: head, tail, relation
  • problems: degree bias
    • validation: graph classification, link prediction tasks for homogeneous graphs

      ⇒ However, KGs are naturally heterogeneous

  • questions: whether degree bias exists in KGs and how it affects the model performance in the context of KGC?
  • in-degree of entity t: #triples where t is the tail entity
  • tail-relation degree: #triples where t and r co-occur
  • when predicting t, #triples where entity t and relation r co-occur as an entity-relation pair correlates significantly with performance
    • ex) for figure 1, it is hard to predict “Germany”, which has a tail-relation degree of one

[2. Related Work]

  • KG embedding: TransEm, ConvE, R-GCN
  • Imbalanaced / Long-Tail Learning (class distribution is highly uneven): SMOTE
  • Degree bias
    • some works dealt with degree bias in KGs, proposing debaising methos that utilizes random graphs
    • no work that focuses on how the intersection of entity and relation degree bias effects embedding-based KGC
  • data augmentation for graphs
    • few for augmenting KGs

[3. Preliminary Study]

  • embedding method : ConvE, TuckER
  • embedding for a node v, a relation r
  • focus on predicting the tail entity (since its equivalent)

(1) Does degree bias exist?

(2) Which factor in a triple is related to such bias?

[3.1 Entity Degree Analysis]

  • measure: mean reciprocal rank (MPR)

(1) tails’ degree has a larger impact on test performance than head’s

(2) tail in-degree features are more distinguishing and apparent relationship with performance than the tail out-degree


[3.2 Entity-Relation Degree Analysis]

  • how both relation and etities in a triple together impact the KGC performance?
  • definitions
    • the relation-specific degree:


    • the tail-relation degree


    • other-tail relation degree


  • While both (tail-relation, other-tail relation) correlate with performance, the performance when the other-tail-relation degree in the range [0,3) is quite high

    ⇒ Which one is the dominant factor?

    ⇒ Tail-relation (small variance on Figure 2(c))

  • difference between prior studies
    • This paper focuses on “frequency among entity-relation pairs” while other concentrate on just degree

[4. The proposed method]

  • propose method for improving the KGC performance of triples with low tail-relation degrees (KG-Mixup)
    • augmenting the low tail-relation degree triples during training with synethetic samples

[4.1 General Problem]

  • create synthetic triples for those entity-relations pairs with a low tail-relation degree
    • n: the upper bound for tail-relation degree
    • k: #synthetic amples


  • challenges
    • diversity of synthetic samples
    • computational costs

[4.2 KG-Mixup]


  • tackles
    • nonexistence of a label of each triple ⇒ consider t1 as a label
    • mixing criteria ⇒ mix other triples that share the same tail and distinct h,r
    • how to mix?


    [4.3 KG-Mixup Algorithm for KGC]


    • loss on KG triples and synthetic samples

[4.4 Algorithmic Complexity]

  • $O(N\abs{E}O(f))$

[5. Regularizing effect of KG-Mixup]


[6. Experiments]

  • baseline
    • over-sampling
    • loss re-weighting: assign a higher loss ti triples with a low tail-relation deree
    • focal loss: a higher weight to misclassified samples