- dynamic link prediction
- propose Attentional Multi-scale Co-evolving Network (AMC-Net)
- model multi-scale structural information by a motif-based GNN with multi-scale pooling
[1. Introduction]
- two types of important information
- temporal information
- characterizes evolving dynamics of the network
- structural information
- network topology
⇒ Those two are deeply connected
- microscopic level (node, edge)
- mesoscopic level (groups)
- macroscopic level (whole network)
⇒ temporal dynamics of different structural scales complement one another and are coherent in the meantime
- existing works model the two types of information independently
- to bridge the gaps, this paper presents an AMCNet
- temporal information
- The first to study the inherent correlations among the evolving dynamics of different structural scales for dynamic link prediction
[2. Problem formulation]
- For a given historical series of snapshots G={G(1), G(2), …, G(T)}, aim to predict the link structure at the future time steps: G={G(T+1), …, G(T+n)}
[3.1 Multi-scale Representation Learning]
- motif based pooling
- for a given set of motifs M
motif-based graphs
[4. Experiments]
- three-node motifs → boosts the AUC
- four-node motifs → small performance improvement
- three-node motifs are the most informative