
  • introduce G2GNN which alleviates the graph imbalance issue
  • globally, construct GoG based on kernel similarity
  • locally, topological augmentation via masking node features

[1. Introduction]

  • real case: imblanace
    • ex) chemical space (active - inactive)
  • problems of GNN on imbalanced datasets
    • incliniation to learning towards majority classes
    • poor generalization from gien scarce training data to abounding unseen testing data
  • current solutions
    • augmenting data via under- or over- sampling
    • assigning weights
    • constructing synthetic training data

    ⇒ designed on point-based data

    ⇒ performance on graph-structured data is unclear

  • graph-structured data
    • pre-training
    • adversarial training
  • propose Graph-of-Graph Neural Networks (G2GNN)

[2. Problem formulation]


[3. Related work]

  • graph imbalance problem
    • current learning works are for node imbalance classification.
    • graph imbalance classification remains largely unexplored
  • graph of graphs
  • graph augmentations

[4. The proposed framework]


  • global governace: GoG propagation
  • local explorer: topological augmentation

[4.1 Global Imbalance Mitigation: Graph-of-Graph Construction / Propagation]

  • intuition: SMOTE, mixup (handling class imblance)

[4.1. Basic GNN encoder]

  • GIN
  • global-sum pooling

[4.1.2 Graph of Graphs Construction]

  • edge of GoG: based on their topological similarity
    • leverage the graph kernel (Shortest Path Kernel)
  • edge homophily



[4.1.3 Graph of Graphs Propagation]

  • l-th-layer GoG propagation


[4.2 Local Imbalance Mitigation: Self-consistency Regularization via Graph Augmentation]

  • augmentation

[4.2.1 Removing edges]

[4.2.2 Masking node features]

  • zeroing entire features of some nodes

[4.2.3 Self-Consistency Regularization]

[4.3 Objective Function and Prediction]


[4.4 Algorithm]
