
  • embeddings of two graphs preserve their graph-graph proximity
  • suggest UGraphEMB (unsupervised manner)

[1. Introduction]

Q. Can we embed an entire graph into a vector in an unsupervised way, and how? (in unsupervised manner)

  • graph2vec: not inductive
  • supervised method: use only “intra-graph” information

[2. The proposed approach: UGraphEmb]

  • generate one embedding per graph from node embeddings using Multi Scale Node Attention (MSNA)

[2.1 Inductive Graph-Level Embedding]

  • node embedding generation
    • inductivity
    • permutation-invariance

    ⇒ GCN: aggregate node embeddings of itself and neighbors

    ⇒ or other models - Graphsage, GAT, GIN

    ⇒ here, choose GIN

  • Graph embedding generation
    • generate one embedding per graph using node embeddings




[2.2 Unsupervised loss via inter-graph proximity preservation]

  • Definition of graph proximity
    • label
    • domain knowledge & human experts
    • domain-agnostic & well-accepted metrics (GED, MCS)
  • prediction of graph proximity
    • difference between the predicted distance and the ground-truth distance


    • if metric is similarity
