
  • introduce a MC sampling technique for graphlet counts (Lifting)
  • variants of lifted graphlet counts, including ordered, unordered, and shotgun estimators, random walk starts, and parallel vertex starts

[1. Introduction]

  • propose a class of MC sampling method called lifting
  • MC sampling perform random walk on graphlets → only require local graph information → memory efficient
    • GUISE
    • PSRW
    • waddling random walk (have not been extended k≥5)

[1.1 Our contributions]

  • propose
    • ordered lift estimator
      • allows shotgun sampling (sample subgraphs in one shot)
      • unbiased
      • variance: $\Delta^{k-2}$
    • unordered lift estimator

[2. Sampling Graphlets]

[2.1 Definitions and notation]

  • $N_e(S)$: the set of all edges that connect a vertex from S and a vertex outside of S
  • $deg(S)=\abs{N_e(S)}$
  • $deg_S(u)$: the number of vertices from S that are connected to u

⇒ $deg(S)+2\abs{E_S}=\sum_{v\in V_S} deg(v)$

[2.2 Prior graphlet sampling methods]

  • uniform sampling → imposible
  • use Horvitz-Thompson inverse probability weighting


  • PSRW
    • SRW: construct CIS-relationship graph and random walk
      • edge: sampled with equal probability
    • PSRW: modification of SRW algorithm

    ⇒ insufficient mixing → cause biasedness

    ⇒ mixing time can be of order $O(n^{k-2})$

  • naive RW on G
    • cannot sample certain graphlets (e.g. stars)

    ⇒ SRW on CIS of size k-l+1 ⇒ slow mixing, and need to calculate global constants

  • Waddling protocol
    • retains a memory of the last s vertices and extends this subgraph by k-s vertices from either the first or last vertex visited in the s-subgraph

    ⇒ depend on desired graphlet

    ⇒ involves a rejection step

  • lifting
    • requires little tuning, never reject graphlets

[3. Subgraph Lifting]

  • attach a vertex to a given CIS
  • for any (k-1)-CIS, S, we lift it to a k-subgraph by adding a vertex from its neighborhood, $N_v(S)$ according to some probability distribution
  • at each step, sample $(v_i, v_{r+1})$ from $N_e(S_r)$ uniformly at random
  • lifting and waddling: inherit the mixing time of a simple random walk by initializing with the stationary distribution

[3.1 Unordered lift estimator]

  • ignore the order of nodes visiting in the graphlet
  • probabilitly is a function of only degrees of vertices $V_T$



  • co(T): certain ordering of vertices in T


    since it is a function of degree,


    We just need to precompute it for all T

[3.2 Ordered lift estimator]

  • maintain the ordering of the vertices






    • shotgun sampling: to incorporate information about all k-CISs in the neighborhood of Bi



[4. Lifting Variance]

  • consider two methods
    • uniform selection over the set of vertices
    • random walk on the vertices


[4.1 Theoretical variance bound]


