- propose MAG model, that captures the interactions between the network structure and the node attributes
[1. Introduction]
- questions
- real graph가 어떻게 생겼는가?
- observed patterns를 설명할 수 있는 모델을 어떻게 찾을 수 있는가?
- 모델의 알고리즘 결과가 어떠한가?
- emprical analysis of large real-world networks: heavy-tailed degree distributions, local clustering of edges, small diameter
- model design
- preferential attachment
- mechanistic vs statiscal
- mechanistic: emphsize structural properties → not lend themselves to model parameter estimation
- statistical: network properties do not naturally emerge from the model in general
⇒ Kronecker graphs model both satisfy this
- use only 4 parmeters
- accurately model the global structural properties
- degree distribution
- edge clustering
- diameter and spectral properties
- Modeling networks with rich node attribute information
- interaction: network structure + node attributes
- questions
- node의 heterogeneity를 어떻게 고려할 것인지
- node feature를 edge probabilities를 얻을 때 어떻게 활용할 수 있을 것인지
⇒ propose Multiplicative Attribute Graphs (MAG)
- consider a model where each node is a vector of categorical attributes
- reflect homophily and heterophily (both naturally occur in social networks)
- flow
- show the model obeys densification power law
- connectivity of MAG model
- diameter is small
- log-normal degree distribution
[2. Formulation of the Multiplicative Attribute Graph Model]
- general considerations
- node: categorical attributes
- $\theta_i$: each attribute-attribute similarity matrix
- represent the probability of an edge given the values of the i-th attribute of both nodes
- if attribute reflects homophily → diagonal value high
- if attribute reflects heterophily → off-diagonal value high
The Multiplicative Attributes Graph (MAG) model
$P[u,v]=\prod_{i=1}^l \Theta_i[a_i(u), a_i(v)]$
how can estimate of matrices $\Theta_i$?
⇒ this paper focus on mathematical analysis
- Simplified version of the model
- directed → undirected (for symmetry)
- binary node attributes (2*2 matrices)
- reduce #parameters ($\Theta_i=\Theta, \forall i$)
- all entries are between 0 and 1
- assume $\Theta[1,1]>\Theta[1,0]=\Theta[0,1]>\Theta[0,0]$ (natural property: core-periphery)
- assume a simple generative model of node attributes
i.i.d Bernoulli distribution
$P(a_i(u)=1)=\mu$ for $i=1,2,\dots, l$ and $0<\mu<1$
⇒ MAG model : $M(n, l, \mu, \Theta)$
- study properties resulted from this
- Connections to other models
- Latent Space Model
- probability of an edge: euclidean distance between the nodes
- Random Dot Product
- inner product of nodes
- Multifractal Network Generator
- special case of MAG: node attribute distribution, similarity matrix are equal for every attribute
MAG generalizes Kronecker graphs
- Latent Space Model
[3. The Number of Edges]
[4. Conectivity]
- MAG model obeys the Densification Power Law
[5. Diameter]
- diameter of the network remains small
[6. Degree Distribiution]
- the degree distribution of MAG model apprxoimately follows a quadratic relationship on log-log scale