- generating privacy-preserving graph data
- transmitting privacy-preserved information
[1. Introduction]
focus on
- privacy-preserving graph data
how can we protect (mask, hide, perturb) sensitive information from node identify disclosure and link re-identification?
graph data privacy-preserving computation
[2. Privacy-Preserving Graph Data]
[2.1 Privacy Attackers on Graphs]
- aim of attackers: (1) whether edges exist (2) reveal true identities of targeted users
2.1.1. Category of Attackers
- active attackers
- k 노드를 가지는 subgraph H를 만들어서 G에 넣은다음 s.t. $\abs{H\cap G}=b$, 나중에 G’로 published 됐을 때 G’ 안의 H를 찾고 b 개의 노드를 판명한다.
- original graph에 published 되기 전에 접근함
- passive attackers
- creation 대신 observation에 의존함
- “node A는 degree가 2 이상”와 같은 external information 이용
2.1.2. Goal of Attackers
- diclosure of node identity: where is node A?
- link re-identification: determine private edges (not published) containing such as disease records
- besides existence, we can infer weight or type of links
[2.2 Background Knowledge for Passive Attacks]
2.2.1 Background Knowledge for Node Identity Disclosure
- it helps them to detect “uniqueness” of victims
- target node의 background knowledge H를 알면, candidates를 줄일 수 있다
- method
- vertex refinement queries
- H0(x): node x의 label
- H1(x): node x의 degree
- Hi(x): multiset of Hi-1(x) queries on 1-hop neighbors of node x
- subgraph queries
- existence of a subgraph
- more general, flexible
- note that different searching strategies can result in different subgraph structures
- hub finger print queries
- hub: node of a high degree and a high betweeness centrality
- hub fingerprint: node’s connection to hubs
- neighborhood relationship queries
- rely on isomorphism of the ego-graph
- vertex refinement queries
2.2.2. Background Knowledge for Link Re-Identification]
- Method
- link prediction probablistic model
- 다른 종류의 background information이 probabilistic model을 만드는데 leverage 될 수 있다 (e.g node attributes, existing relationships, structural properties, inferred relationships)
- mathematically, the existence of a sentsitive relation of node i and node j as: $P(e_{ij}^s;O)$ where $e^s_{ij}$: sensitive relationship, O: a set of observations
- 다른 종류의 background information이 probabilistic model을 만드는데 leverage 될 수 있다 (e.g node attributes, existing relationships, structural properties, inferred relationships)
Randomization-based Posterior Probability
- attacker applies randomization mechanism on G’ N times to get a sequence of G’s, and utilize that information
- link prediction probablistic model
[2.3. Privacy-Preserving Mechanisms]
2.3.1. Protection Mechanism Designed for Node Identity Disclosure
- k-degree anonymization
- target node x는 적어도 k-1의 node와 같은 degree를 share한다
- degree distribution d → new distribution d’ (instanced by L1 distance)
- construct G’ following d’
Towards identity anonymization on graphs (KDD’08)
- k-degree anonymization in temporal graphs
- ensure temporal degree sequence of each node is indistinguishable from that of at least k-1 other nodes
- degree matrix D → D’
- k-degree anonymization in knowledge graphs
- k-anonymity of the same attributes and degree
- node feature와 degree에 따라 node를 clusters로 partition
- k-neighborhood anonymization
- when an attacker knows background knowledge about neighborhood relationships
- k-anonymity of neighborhood structure
- use DFS search → vector → greedily make N(v) and N(u) same → construct G’
- k-automorphism anonymization
- prevent from subgraph queries
- G and G’ is k-automorphic
- at least k-different matches in G’ for a subgraph query
- KM algorithm
2.3.2 Protection Mechanism Designed for Link Re-Identification
- Intact Edges
- remove all s type edges
- Partial-edge removal
- remove part of sensitive edges
- criteria: whether their existence contributes to the exposure of sensitive links
- remove part of sensitive edges
- Cluster-edge anonymization
- partition G into clusters
- remove edges inintra-clusters
- preserve inter-cluster
- can be interpreted as k-degree anonymization
- Cluster-edge anonymization with constraints
- advanced version of above
2.3.3. General Privacy Protection Mechanisms
- Graph Summarization
- Switching-based Graph Generation
- configuration model
- preserve degree distribution
- largely preserve original graph features (eigenvalues of adjacency matrix, Laplacian matrix)
- Spectral Add/Del and Spectral Switch
- repeats adding and deleting edges
- random switch
- overall degree distribution not change
- develop method that preserves largest aigenvalue of A and second smallest eigenvalue of L=D-A
- RandomWalk-Mod
- copy each edge in G to G’ while guaranteeing the degree distribution of G’ is unchanged
Differential Privacy
M: permutation
- It also categorizes to edge-level and node-level differential privacy
[2.4. Other Aspects of Graph Anonymization]
- 기존
- 익명화 그래프 G’를 published 하는 대신, some non-trivial statistics를 랜덤화하고 이것을 relase하고 있음
- 중요한 graph parameter를 보존하고 있음 (e.g. eigenvalue)
[2.5. Challenges and Future Opportunities]
2.5.1 preserving privacy for temporal graphs
- 기존 연구는 static graph를 주로 다루지만, 실생활 그래프는 거의 evolve함
2.5.2 preserving privacy for heterogeneous graphs
- 대부분 background knowledge는 structural queries를 사용
- node와 edge feature이 많은 경우, leaking sensitive information의 위험성을 증가시킴
⇒ 어떤 feature information이 heterogeneous와 time-eovolving graphs에서 중요할 것이고, 숨겨져야 하느냐
⇒ 이걸 위한 method는?
[3. Graph data Privacy-Preserving Computation]